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Calculate your IT project’s development costs
Innovare has been helping clients to reduce development and maintenance costs and bring products and complex applications to market faster. We provide resources and expertise in an accountable process across the software life cycle including design, testing, ongoing maintenance and enhancements.

We invite you to fill in this form in order to explore areas in which our services might be aligned with our project needs.

Name *

Email *

Company *

Reasons to outsource a project

 Reduce Software Development

 Access new expertise

 Smoother project delivery


Which Service(s) do you need?

 Custom software development

 Quality Assurance

 Ektron Development/Upgrades

 Algorithm Development

 Algorithm Development


 Architecture Assessment

 Image Processing


Required Technologies









 Device Programming

Team size

 3 or fewer More than 3 Don't know yet

Project start date

 ASAP within 1 month More than 3 months Don't know yet

Expected duration of the project

 1-3 months › 3 month Don't know yet

Do you have documented project requirements/project specification?

 Yes No

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